Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I could sing of love long past in days of old.
Or I could tell a new tale of a bright new day.
I could cry about the loneliness deep in my heart
Or  I could tell you about a handsome lad in a French cafe.
I could talk of two eyes that meet in a park.
and the way they're hearts beat until
they finally touch and sparks fly.
It's all about love, its all about pain.
its all about tears and how I cry in the rain.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A lonely dream.

As the day turns into night.
I lay here all alone. 
Wondering how it went wrong.
Did I speak out too soon?
Did I ask for too much?
Did ask for the Sun 
But only gave you the moon ?
As the stars burn so bright.
My heart seeks a ride.
Away from this rock.
To find a new home.
On a star out there somewhere.
Where love is understood.
You know it has no real limit.
Be it, man or woman.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Why is I love so hard to say?

There's a song in my head.
And a tear in my eye.
For the words that we said.
It was all another lie.

Winter smiles.

I hope you had a very merry Christmas
I hope it was bright and happy. 
I hope there was jingle bells 
and bright happy smiles and delicious smells.
Toys and games for everyone. 
Bright lights flash from the sun.
A walk down to the mistltow.
Love and laughter for you all.

Once out dancing in the evening snow. 
Watching snow piles as they grow.
Hot rum cidar and a warm sweet kiss.
Happy smiles turn to bliss.

Walking home arm in arm.
He'll protect me from all harm.
Happy smiles from me to you.
Joyus wishes, yes its true.
No more tears, sadness set aside.
No more fear, we'll turn the tide.

A winters dance out in the snow.
We'll watch it pile, we'll see it grow.
His arms are warm and sweet are his kiss.
Happy smile from us.