Here's a memory from 3rd grade. Mrs Johnson taught me this poem and I always remember it so clearly.
One bright morning in the middle of the night.
Two dead boys got up to fight.
A deaf policeman heard the noise and shot
and killed those two dead boys.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Redemption VI
The day was September 12, nothing really special was going on. Jeff Tamber was out somewhere he wasn't supposed to. He was driving down Mercy Avenue looking for someone he knew that he could buy an 8-ball from. It had been a really stressful week. His boss ragged on him again about the update of the Pillenger file. It was going to be late again and Cole Taylor would put it all on him even though it had been all Cole's fault. If he had been at his desk working instead of screwing his secretary in the ladies room, the report could have been done. Jeff thought he should tell the CEO everything, including why his wife disappeared from the last Christmas party. He thought about ratting Cole out, but with his luck, the boss wouldn't believe it and give Cole a promotion and me a pink slip.
Cole wasn't the only thing in his life that sucked. His brother and sister had moved into his house With Rod and Jeannie's seven kids, there were now ten people living in his three-bedroom apartment. Don't get him wrong, Jeff loved his family and every time he saw Rods three boys he had a great time playing with or taking them to the pool or the movies. It was the same with Jeannie's girls. Jessica and Robin were getting so big. They were in high school now and practically lived on their cell phone's talking about,
"Guess what? Boys. I know one day those girls are going to drive their mother crazy. I thank god for Sam and Cara, they were still in grade school and they thought boys were yucky. That will give us four more years of peace.
As he drove, he saw three guys dressed like thugs hanging out in front of a run down two story ranch style house. With a quick glance he realized he knew the dark-skinned Spanish guy, he had bought from before. With a nod, the guy started back towards the back of the house as Jeff parked. Leaving his wallet in the car, catting only what he thought he might need, Jeff took a deep breath and climb out the car and locked the door. Walking across the street, he watched as a kid in a red bandanna ran out to cars a and made two fast deals.
As he walked down in the driveway, he saw Peeto step out to where he could be seen, With his hand at his side, Jeff stuck out three fingers to let Peeto know what he wanted. Nodding his head, he ducked down and picked up a small bundle to pass to Jeff he dropped the money in an empty garbage can. The deal had been quick and done without the need for either of them to speak a word. Jeff could feel the rocks in the small bag. It felt right and he knew the coke would be good and worth the 2money. Relieved, Jeff did the circle around the house, then headed for the car.
As Jeff started the car, the radio came on with an emergency news bulletin. The background noise seemed a bit garbled. Women were screaming and you could hear the sound of a car screeching as it slammed into something.
"What the hell is going on?" Jeff thought to himself as he changed the station. The next newscaster was much calmer but he was reporting the same story. It seems there was an asteroid on the way. they said it would crash into the west coast but the landing didn't matter. the asteroid was the size of Manhattan Island. No one would escape this one.
As Jeff listened his thoughts went straight to Pasco county in Florida where the most important person In his life was living. After a huge fight, Peter Oliver had packed his bag and stormed out of his life. Jeff got up and walked to his dressing table and opened its top draw. He pushed away from the old Sabbath passes and picked up an upside down framed picture. Slowly he turned it over and stared down at the most handsome man he had ever seen. As Peter danced across the ballroom floor, Jeff had been snapping pictures of him. The smile on the handsome blond would have been enough to light the whole room. They were at the wedding of two of their best friends and Jeff had just asked Peter to marry him. The smile on Peter's face and the teardrop in his eye was all Jeff needed for and answer. He said yes of course. He said yes five times as they danced across the ballroom floor.
Honestly, that was an amazing day. They danced until 3 am that night, then they went back to the hotel and made love. Chris had sparkling blue eyes, and a smiled that could win his heart no matter where they were. His had the body of Apollo and the heart of Adonis. But sometimes he could be the most stubborn man on Earth. That was what had broke them up. Jeff couldn't remember what the argument had been about, but somehow it had destroyed them. Chris had moved out and Jeff went back to Jersey. But now that he thought about it, whatever it was, it didn't matter because Chris was more important and he would definitely suck it up and say it was his fault.
Jeff grabbed a backpack and stuffed some shorts and t-shirts in. He grabbed his wallet and cigarettes then looked at the 8 ball on the table. All he had to do was crush it, then pack it away, but it didn't seem important anymore. After grabbing off the table, Jeff was gone out of the room.
From his room, Jeff hurried down to the lobby. As he pushed his way through the staircase door, he saw the lobby was deserted. The was no one behind the desk, and there were no bellhops anywhere to be found He turned and headed into the hotel restaurant. There was a full. buffet set up but there was no one there to eat it.
As he looked around the dining room, Jeff saw a huge blue cooler sticking out from underneath the table. He pulled it out and took it into the pantry and filled it with cans of anything he thought might need. From the walk-in, he grabbed milk, eggs, and butter, some vegetables. From the freezer, he took hamburger meat, steaks, bacon, some hot dogs, pork chops, breakfast sausages. Now all he needed was some cookware that he found in the hotel kitchen. Set and loaded, he dragged his supplies out into the lobby to the front entrance. He knew there was no way his car would hold all this stuff, but he remembered there was a car dealership down the block on the corner.
After stashing his things behind the valet stand, Jeff took off out the hotel. He ran down the block past the liqueur store with its crashed in windows. Past the smoke shop and the movie theater to the corner where a lot sat with an assortment of cars and pickup trucks. Jeff looked around. He couldn't believe no one else had thought to grab some wheels. Maybe that was because there was someone here protecting the cars.
"Hello!" He called out. "Anybody here?"
"Just me." He heard from behind him. He heard that and the sound of a gun being cocked. "What can I do for you?"
"I need a truck," Jeff said as he turned around with his hands up to look at the stringy hair. "The blue one there if you don't mind."
"And how do you plan to pay for it?" He asked as he wiped his red nose.
Jeff couldn't believe he wanted money. Money was useless now with the asteroid on its way.
"Really?" Jeff gave him a look. Then something dawned on him. "How about this?"
Jeff reached in his pocket and pulled out the plastic wrapped white ball of cocaine. He held it out for the dealer.
"I'll trade you this for the pickup truck." He held it out and let it swing. "Its good stuff. You'll love it."
"Can I Try some?" The dealer asked with red eyes. He reached out to take the 8 ball. Jeff snatched it back away from him.
"You can have the whole thing if you agree to the trade." Jeff smiled. "Let's face it. We are all about to die when the asteroid hits. You should go find someone you love to spend these hours with."
The dealer looked at him with pain in his eyes. Jeff thought he saw tears, but the guy turned to his office and grabbed a set of keys off his board and tossed them to Jeff. With the keys in hand, Jeff tossed him the 8 ball and headed over to the SUV.
"Good luck." He called back as he started the vehicle and drove off the lot.
From Main Ave, Jeff drove down to Monroe and made a right. He drove down past the old Capital theater, where he had worked doing concerts for 10 years. On down the street past Hamilton Ave. Straight down past Columbia Ave and Hope to the entrance to RT 21 where he made a tight and was on his way south.
With the radio on, he got the latest update, the newsman said the asteroid was still coming, but there was a number of small chunks going to hit first. New York would be hit somewhere around 54th St and 8th. Jeff knew the area. That's where Studio 54 and the Ritz was located. Stepping on the gas, Jeff zipped through Clifton and Nutley. Down through Bellville and into Newark. From Newark traffic was busy. It was car to car and bumper to bumper. It took an hour for Jeff to get from the left lane to the right one where he could get off. He took an exit into Elizabeth where he had to drive through the city to get to Newark Airport. As he slid through traffic around the airport, he dodged stalled cars and people on feet rushing in to try and hijack his SUV. They beat at the side of his wheels as they beat at each other trying to get into the truck. Jeff gunned the gas knocking people out of his way as he pushed through the airport.
After the airport, I-95 took him down through Delaware and into Maryland. Around Baltimore, Jeff found the highway clogged with crashed vehicles. Someone took a heavy vehicle and ran it down through the left lane trashing somewhere near fifty cars. Making a quick right, Jeff avoided the traffic jam by taking a quick exit and driving along the city street to the next entrance. From there traffic was still busy but it moved at a pretty quick pace.
As he entered 295, Jeff looked out to see fires burning all through DC. He could hear small explosions going off out in the city. The radio newsman reported riots running through the city. We're at the brink of disaster and all people could think to do get angry. Jeff didn't see the point. The asteroid wasn't the government's fault, so why get mad? There's nothing they could do.
From D.C. he drove south through Maryland and into Virginia. The roads were pretty bad. He passed pile up after pile up. There were people on foot walking North. Jeff wasn't sure where they thought they were going and he didn't have time for questions right now. After Virginia came North Carolina. This was the first area that was totally unpassable, so Jeff had a turn around and find another way south. After getting off the Turnpike, Jeff was in a city named Redwood. Now thats a funny name for a city. From the turnpike
not finished.
Cole wasn't the only thing in his life that sucked. His brother and sister had moved into his house With Rod and Jeannie's seven kids, there were now ten people living in his three-bedroom apartment. Don't get him wrong, Jeff loved his family and every time he saw Rods three boys he had a great time playing with or taking them to the pool or the movies. It was the same with Jeannie's girls. Jessica and Robin were getting so big. They were in high school now and practically lived on their cell phone's talking about,
"Guess what? Boys. I know one day those girls are going to drive their mother crazy. I thank god for Sam and Cara, they were still in grade school and they thought boys were yucky. That will give us four more years of peace.
As he drove, he saw three guys dressed like thugs hanging out in front of a run down two story ranch style house. With a quick glance he realized he knew the dark-skinned Spanish guy, he had bought from before. With a nod, the guy started back towards the back of the house as Jeff parked. Leaving his wallet in the car, catting only what he thought he might need, Jeff took a deep breath and climb out the car and locked the door. Walking across the street, he watched as a kid in a red bandanna ran out to cars a and made two fast deals.
As he walked down in the driveway, he saw Peeto step out to where he could be seen, With his hand at his side, Jeff stuck out three fingers to let Peeto know what he wanted. Nodding his head, he ducked down and picked up a small bundle to pass to Jeff he dropped the money in an empty garbage can. The deal had been quick and done without the need for either of them to speak a word. Jeff could feel the rocks in the small bag. It felt right and he knew the coke would be good and worth the 2money. Relieved, Jeff did the circle around the house, then headed for the car.
As Jeff started the car, the radio came on with an emergency news bulletin. The background noise seemed a bit garbled. Women were screaming and you could hear the sound of a car screeching as it slammed into something.
"What the hell is going on?" Jeff thought to himself as he changed the station. The next newscaster was much calmer but he was reporting the same story. It seems there was an asteroid on the way. they said it would crash into the west coast but the landing didn't matter. the asteroid was the size of Manhattan Island. No one would escape this one.
As Jeff listened his thoughts went straight to Pasco county in Florida where the most important person In his life was living. After a huge fight, Peter Oliver had packed his bag and stormed out of his life. Jeff got up and walked to his dressing table and opened its top draw. He pushed away from the old Sabbath passes and picked up an upside down framed picture. Slowly he turned it over and stared down at the most handsome man he had ever seen. As Peter danced across the ballroom floor, Jeff had been snapping pictures of him. The smile on the handsome blond would have been enough to light the whole room. They were at the wedding of two of their best friends and Jeff had just asked Peter to marry him. The smile on Peter's face and the teardrop in his eye was all Jeff needed for and answer. He said yes of course. He said yes five times as they danced across the ballroom floor.
Honestly, that was an amazing day. They danced until 3 am that night, then they went back to the hotel and made love. Chris had sparkling blue eyes, and a smiled that could win his heart no matter where they were. His had the body of Apollo and the heart of Adonis. But sometimes he could be the most stubborn man on Earth. That was what had broke them up. Jeff couldn't remember what the argument had been about, but somehow it had destroyed them. Chris had moved out and Jeff went back to Jersey. But now that he thought about it, whatever it was, it didn't matter because Chris was more important and he would definitely suck it up and say it was his fault.
Jeff grabbed a backpack and stuffed some shorts and t-shirts in. He grabbed his wallet and cigarettes then looked at the 8 ball on the table. All he had to do was crush it, then pack it away, but it didn't seem important anymore. After grabbing off the table, Jeff was gone out of the room.
From his room, Jeff hurried down to the lobby. As he pushed his way through the staircase door, he saw the lobby was deserted. The was no one behind the desk, and there were no bellhops anywhere to be found He turned and headed into the hotel restaurant. There was a full. buffet set up but there was no one there to eat it.
As he looked around the dining room, Jeff saw a huge blue cooler sticking out from underneath the table. He pulled it out and took it into the pantry and filled it with cans of anything he thought might need. From the walk-in, he grabbed milk, eggs, and butter, some vegetables. From the freezer, he took hamburger meat, steaks, bacon, some hot dogs, pork chops, breakfast sausages. Now all he needed was some cookware that he found in the hotel kitchen. Set and loaded, he dragged his supplies out into the lobby to the front entrance. He knew there was no way his car would hold all this stuff, but he remembered there was a car dealership down the block on the corner.
After stashing his things behind the valet stand, Jeff took off out the hotel. He ran down the block past the liqueur store with its crashed in windows. Past the smoke shop and the movie theater to the corner where a lot sat with an assortment of cars and pickup trucks. Jeff looked around. He couldn't believe no one else had thought to grab some wheels. Maybe that was because there was someone here protecting the cars.
"Hello!" He called out. "Anybody here?"
"Just me." He heard from behind him. He heard that and the sound of a gun being cocked. "What can I do for you?"
"I need a truck," Jeff said as he turned around with his hands up to look at the stringy hair. "The blue one there if you don't mind."
"And how do you plan to pay for it?" He asked as he wiped his red nose.
Jeff couldn't believe he wanted money. Money was useless now with the asteroid on its way.
"Really?" Jeff gave him a look. Then something dawned on him. "How about this?"
Jeff reached in his pocket and pulled out the plastic wrapped white ball of cocaine. He held it out for the dealer.
"I'll trade you this for the pickup truck." He held it out and let it swing. "Its good stuff. You'll love it."
"Can I Try some?" The dealer asked with red eyes. He reached out to take the 8 ball. Jeff snatched it back away from him.
"You can have the whole thing if you agree to the trade." Jeff smiled. "Let's face it. We are all about to die when the asteroid hits. You should go find someone you love to spend these hours with."
The dealer looked at him with pain in his eyes. Jeff thought he saw tears, but the guy turned to his office and grabbed a set of keys off his board and tossed them to Jeff. With the keys in hand, Jeff tossed him the 8 ball and headed over to the SUV.
"Good luck." He called back as he started the vehicle and drove off the lot.
From Main Ave, Jeff drove down to Monroe and made a right. He drove down past the old Capital theater, where he had worked doing concerts for 10 years. On down the street past Hamilton Ave. Straight down past Columbia Ave and Hope to the entrance to RT 21 where he made a tight and was on his way south.
With the radio on, he got the latest update, the newsman said the asteroid was still coming, but there was a number of small chunks going to hit first. New York would be hit somewhere around 54th St and 8th. Jeff knew the area. That's where Studio 54 and the Ritz was located. Stepping on the gas, Jeff zipped through Clifton and Nutley. Down through Bellville and into Newark. From Newark traffic was busy. It was car to car and bumper to bumper. It took an hour for Jeff to get from the left lane to the right one where he could get off. He took an exit into Elizabeth where he had to drive through the city to get to Newark Airport. As he slid through traffic around the airport, he dodged stalled cars and people on feet rushing in to try and hijack his SUV. They beat at the side of his wheels as they beat at each other trying to get into the truck. Jeff gunned the gas knocking people out of his way as he pushed through the airport.
After the airport, I-95 took him down through Delaware and into Maryland. Around Baltimore, Jeff found the highway clogged with crashed vehicles. Someone took a heavy vehicle and ran it down through the left lane trashing somewhere near fifty cars. Making a quick right, Jeff avoided the traffic jam by taking a quick exit and driving along the city street to the next entrance. From there traffic was still busy but it moved at a pretty quick pace.
As he entered 295, Jeff looked out to see fires burning all through DC. He could hear small explosions going off out in the city. The radio newsman reported riots running through the city. We're at the brink of disaster and all people could think to do get angry. Jeff didn't see the point. The asteroid wasn't the government's fault, so why get mad? There's nothing they could do.
From D.C. he drove south through Maryland and into Virginia. The roads were pretty bad. He passed pile up after pile up. There were people on foot walking North. Jeff wasn't sure where they thought they were going and he didn't have time for questions right now. After Virginia came North Carolina. This was the first area that was totally unpassable, so Jeff had a turn around and find another way south. After getting off the Turnpike, Jeff was in a city named Redwood. Now thats a funny name for a city. From the turnpike
not finished.
Friday, April 21, 2017
I'm Sorry.
Laughing and crying. Joking and lying, These are memories of our past.
Your here then your gone. Love comes and goes. Nothing you say ever last.
Cold winter nights. Stalking the cold floor waiting for a call that never comes.
I'm sorry. So sorry that I'm not quite good enough.
I'm sorry. So sorry and I'm done at last, I've had enough.
Lost in a quiet room that's packed with rejection. Only one single voice in the night.
I pound on the grey walls. Why can't you see me? Why is it always a fight.
I'm sorry, Oh so sorry. I can't stand the pain and the lose.
I'm sorry. Oh so sorry . Nothing I say is good enough.
Pictures of sunsets. Down by the river. A kiss in the quiet moonlight.
Sweet words of longing. Promises are broken. Memories of passion at night.
I'm sorry. So sorry. Why can't I be good enough.
I'm sorry. Oh so sorry. No more pain, I've had enough.
Teardrops and heartache. I hide in the dark. Love comes and love walks away.
I've lost that sweet spark. Memories of screaming. Memories of you, please stay.
No more bright sunny days. I'm lost in the rain.. I run from your swift hand.
I run from the pain. I run from the madness. I hold on in vain.
I'm sorry. So sorry. Your my earth and my depression. I see nothing but rejection.
I'm so sorry. So so sorry. I can't be the one to love you. I can't hold you and protect you.
I'm so sorry Oh so sorry. Your my sun and all my freedom. Your my summer and my fall.
I'm sorry. So so sorry. Your the music to my life song. What is wrong and what is right.
Your my end and my beginning. From the start and when I'm finished. Your the cream that's in my coffee. Your what is sweet and what is salty.
Your here then your gone. Love comes and goes. Nothing you say ever last.
Cold winter nights. Stalking the cold floor waiting for a call that never comes.
I'm sorry. So sorry that I'm not quite good enough.
I'm sorry. So sorry and I'm done at last, I've had enough.
Lost in a quiet room that's packed with rejection. Only one single voice in the night.
I pound on the grey walls. Why can't you see me? Why is it always a fight.
I'm sorry, Oh so sorry. I can't stand the pain and the lose.
I'm sorry. Oh so sorry . Nothing I say is good enough.
Pictures of sunsets. Down by the river. A kiss in the quiet moonlight.
Sweet words of longing. Promises are broken. Memories of passion at night.
I'm sorry. So sorry. Why can't I be good enough.
I'm sorry. Oh so sorry. No more pain, I've had enough.
Teardrops and heartache. I hide in the dark. Love comes and love walks away.
I've lost that sweet spark. Memories of screaming. Memories of you, please stay.
No more bright sunny days. I'm lost in the rain.. I run from your swift hand.
I run from the pain. I run from the madness. I hold on in vain.
I'm sorry. So sorry. Your my earth and my depression. I see nothing but rejection.
I'm so sorry. So so sorry. I can't be the one to love you. I can't hold you and protect you.
I'm so sorry Oh so sorry. Your my sun and all my freedom. Your my summer and my fall.
I'm sorry. So so sorry. Your the music to my life song. What is wrong and what is right.
Your my end and my beginning. From the start and when I'm finished. Your the cream that's in my coffee. Your what is sweet and what is salty.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
There is no Fear.
There's me and you.
There's us and them.
There's time and space.
To face the fate.
There's up and down.
And in and out.
There's black and white.
And day and night.
There's pleasure and pain.
And now and then.
When beauty is clear.
There is no fear.
There's sanity and delusion.
When everything's real.
There's hide and seek.
But don't be weak.
There's a smile and a frown.
But I won't stay down.
There's heaven and hell.
And no farewell.
There's love and hate.
So don't be late.
There's a touch and a kiss.
And heavenly bliss.
There's right and wrong.
So we stay strong.
There's my words to you.
I'll always be true.

There's time and space.
To face the fate.
There's up and down.
And in and out.
There's black and white.
And day and night.
There's pleasure and pain.
And now and then.
When beauty is clear.
There is no fear.
There's sanity and delusion.
When everything's real.
There's hide and seek.
But don't be weak.
There's a smile and a frown.
But I won't stay down.
There's heaven and hell.
And no farewell.
There's love and hate.
So don't be late.
There's a touch and a kiss.
And heavenly bliss.
There's right and wrong.
So we stay strong.
There's my words to you.
I'll always be true.
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